Sushi & oyster
cheese baked crab~Yummmmmyy!!
dessert time,=D
Hagen daz ice-cream with waffle!!!
blueberry cheese & american chocolate
with my coconut!
makan makan~!!
Love it=D
red wine time~~~
LOL~!! we are coconut bro!
bro (take at cold storage)
sunday we go Jogoya for celebrate my dear daddy birthday~and this time we delay the celebration again~my dad birthday on OCT21,but we OCT 31 only celebrate~xPP
because of brother and sister this few week also busy for their exam~
sunday as normal again...wake up in the early morning~
but wait until 1pm++ only can having my brunch~wee wow woww~~@@
we go mont kiara Tenji queue,and waiting the seat,but!!full house on that day....that's not rare,cause weekend,and dad didnt make any booking or we go tenji sek bak guo(食白果),and my mum early in the morning cook bak guo yi mei for our's breakfast!!!no wonder!!!
go there cannot eat,but i take jor their's business card and take picture infront the big sign board~better than nothing to take back~xPP
2010年11月1日 星期一
Dad~Happy Birthday !!
張貼者: ~~歪歪YY~~ 於 清晨6:26
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